
The Draw of Lettering

The Draw of Lettering, a sweeping survey of contemporary posters, prints, logotypes, and packaging that embrace the tactile and expressive qualities of hand lettering, was an exhibition at Stevenson University's School of Design Gallery. I organized and curated the work for the exhibition from some of the finest letterers from around the world. I also designed the exhibition, print collateral, and publicity materials.

Additionally, I worked with Colin Tierney to hand letter the title wall of the exhibition with paint markers and Sharpies. The process took nearly 8 hours to complete.

 The Draw of Lettering


The Draw of Lettering, a sweeping survey of contemporary posters, prints, packaging, and logotypes that embrace the tactile and expressive qualities of hand lettering, was exhibited at the Stevenson University School of Design Gallery. I organized and co-curated the exhibition as well as designed the collateral and marketing materials for The Draw of Lettering.

Additionally, I collaborated with co-curator Colin Tierney to hand letter the title wall graphics for the exhibition with paint pens and Sharpie markers.